Your miniature photo taking companion...

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Questions? We got answers

How long does shipping take?

Shipping times are between 6-12 business days. Please allow 1-3 business days for orders to be processed. We ship to North America and Europe.

Are the pictures actually high quality?


The images captured by this camera boast high-quality resolution at 1080p, ensuring every detail is vividly preserved. Whether you're capturing landscapes, portraits, or action shots, each image is rendered with clarity and sharpness, making your photography experience truly immersive and satisfying.

Why would I need a mini camera if I have a phone?

irstly, dedicated cameras often feature superior optics and sensors designed specifically for capturing high-quality images and videos. This translates to sharper details, better low-light performance, and more creative control over settings like aperture and shutter speed.

Additionally, our mini camera is compact and portable, making it easier to carry around without adding bulk to your phone. It's perfect for moments when you want to travel light or discreetly capture special memories without drawing attention.

Furthermore, using a dedicated camera can help you focus more on photography as a dedicated activity, allowing you to explore and experiment with different lenses and techniques that may not be available on your phone.

Ultimately, owning our mini camera complements your phone's capabilities by offering enhanced image quality, versatility, and a more immersive photography experience overall.

Do you offer any money back guarantees?

Yes! we are so confident that you will love our product that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all purchases. Just reach out to our friendly support team and we will get you sorted.

What comes inside the box?

  • 1 Camera
  • 1 USB charging cable
  • Storage card (if purchased)